Verna Felton

[table caption=”Disney Animated Appearances” colalign=”center|center|left|center|left”] TitleScreen[attr sort=”false”]|Film|Character/Performance|[attr sort=”false”]|Notes[attr sort=”false”]



[table caption=”Awards”] Award|Year|Date|Winner/ Nominee|Category|Work|Notes

Emmy Award|1958|1958/04/15|Nominee|Best Continuing Supporting Performance by an Actress in a Dramatic or Comedy Series|December Bride (CBS)|lost to Ann B. Davis of Bob Cummings Show (CBS & NBC)
Emmy Award|1959|1959/05/06|Nominee|Best Supporting Actress (Continuing Character) in a Comedy Series|December Bride (CBS)|lost to Ann B. Davis of Bob Cummings Show (NBC)



The Completist Geek's goal is to list all performers and characters in Disney's animated movies. Information from the movie's credits appears in bold. All other information appears in normal text. Live-action and non-Disney components are included in italics. Additional sources are here.

All images and original copyrights belong to their respective holders.

Everything else is © The Completist Geek